Thursday, April 5, 2012

I Am A Unicorn

As a disabled gay man I would make quite a gimpy unicorn. That's my opinion at least. I went through surgery recently for an infection on my back. After the surgery they put three drains at the base of my back right above my ass. These three drains have tendency to constantly get tangled up, making them look remarkably like a horse tail. I wrote a post in my main blog The Turtle Walks called "I Am Turning Into A Horse" in which I kept everyone up to date with my medical crap. If you want to read about it go there because I'm not repeating myself here. What struck me about this post was that there was something wrong with the title: I am not a horse. I am a unicorn.

I can pull off being somewhat straight acting but I know that it's all a mask. I am much more gay than that. Not that I am the "rainbow's shooting out of my ass" gay either. This is not a critique of either straight acting guys or highly flamboyant guys since I know I have both qualities, particular when a good song comes on. (I have do admit I am highly flaming when Just Dance or S&M comes on the radio)

I could go on about how I just want to be accepted for who I am, not gay spicy or gay mild but just me; or how the gay world is obsessed with being ultra masculine and straight acting; or how my being disabled and gay puts me in an interesting position to observe both of these as part of both minority groups.

But I won't. So instead, here's a hot guy...
a kitten...

and... could it be?
A unicorn!

So embrace the unicorn within yourself. You never know when you might find yourself with a tail of your own!