I can pull off being somewhat straight acting but I know that it's all a mask. I am much more gay than that. Not that I am the "rainbow's shooting out of my ass" gay either. This is not a critique of either straight acting guys or highly flamboyant guys since I know I have both qualities, particular when a good song comes on. (I have do admit I am highly flaming when Just Dance or S&M comes on the radio)
I could go on about how I just want to be accepted for who I am, not gay spicy or gay mild but just me; or how the gay world is obsessed with being ultra masculine and straight acting; or how my being disabled and gay puts me in an interesting position to observe both of these as part of both minority groups.
But I won't. So instead, here's a hot guy...
a kitten...
and... could it be?
A unicorn!
So embrace the unicorn within yourself. You never know when you might find yourself with a tail of your own!