Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pride in Albany

If you're a follower of my main blog, you will see that I'm currently in Albany, NY for a summer class; this will bring me one step closer to finishing the biology degree I've been working on for the last 5 years (to be fair I've had a few things that have interrupted my progress). I was amazed at the amount that the city and the university are attempting to appear Gay-friendly. I spotted a “Celebrate Gay” banner on the side of one of the buses and a poster boasting that Harvey Milk was a University of Albany alumnus. I've no idea what the city is like under normal circumstances but it makes a good first impression; at the very least it shows that they are trying.

 Harvey Milk went to University at Albany. Who knew?

These ads were likely out in force because June is Pride Month. I am greatly sorry to say that I didn't make it to any formal pride festivals this year. Last year I had the opportunity to go to Pride on the Outer Banks which was amazing. I've been too busy this year dealing with all the medical crap that's gotten in the way to visit the beach. Even if I can't gather with the GLBT supporting doesn't mean I'm not going to be out and proud. In my case it's mostly confined to wearing my rainbow necklace and tight fitting shirts but I do what I can.

Honestly what campus wouldn't benefit from a few go go dancers in every classroom?
At least I'm in pleasant enough company. There's sadly no dancing go-go boys in speedos but the gays are out in force. My living proof of this was the first person I met on campus: a boy I stopped for directions, who had spiky hair, a lisp, and bright pink fingernails. This is definitely not my style but if it works for you let your freak flag fly! I'm a proud gay man and I'll tell you that to your face! Just give me a few extra minutes to limp over. 

 I'm a gay disabled man and don't you forget it! I came out of the closet and I refuse to go back. Not for an injury or anything else.

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