Sunday, March 11, 2012

Disability Online

This is a shout out to one page that has supported me through everything I've gone through, Disability Online. I originally found them through their facebook page. A forum for advise, support, and random gay disabled fun, they provide some practical advice:
As a Gay Disabled man there can be double Prejudice and this can be soul destroying; I found that attending everyday centres for information I felt sometimes that I wasn’t being helped the way that I would have expected and also had a feeling that I was on my own. As a gay man we all know only too well the pit falls that we face in the LGBT community which can include Homophobia.
The LGBT community is also known to be prejudiced against many different groups, not the least of which being the disabled, the old, different racial groups, different body types... the list goes on. Well here we are and it is time to stand together as one. I for one am going to stand proud, declaring myself a proud gay man. And if prejudiced queen or two doesn't like it, I can think of a few wonderful places they can go jump. So be proud of who you are, ignore the haters, and have a blast! In the end, nothing really annoys them more.

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